Download MediaDrug
Windows system requirements
- - X86 compatible processor with 1 GHz or higher
- - 35 Mb of disk space
- - 512 Mb of available RAM or higher
- - Windows XP (Supports SP3), Vista, Windows 7,8
- - Sound card
- - Active Internet Connection
Product information
- - Release date: 28.02.2013
- - Size: 8.7 Mb
Supported operating systems
- - Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7,8
Media Drug for PC (Windows 8 ready)
Mac OS system requirements
- - Intel X64 processor with 1 GHz or PPC
- - 50 Mb of disk space
- - 1024 Mb of available RAM or higher
- - Mac OS 10.6 or higher
- - Sound card
- - Active Internet Connection
Product information
- - Release date: 28.02.2013
- - Size: 14.9 Mb
Supported operating systems
- - Mac OS 10.6 or higher
Media Drug for Mac
Linux system requirements
- - X86 compatible processor with 1 GHz or higher
- - 25 Mb of disk space
- - 512 Mb of available RAM or higher
- - Ubuntu 10.04 or higher
- - Sound card
- - Active Internet Connection
Product information
- - Release date: 28.02.2013
- - Size: 10.6 Mb
Supported operating systems
- - Any known unix OS
Media Drug for Linux