
About us

We are a team of young enthusiasts who can't live a day without music. We are constantly listening to music, so we needed a program that would make listening to music a more comfortable experience. Some software that will create a playlist will help you choose the music that you want from the internet. It will also save the history of the playlist.

That’s when we brain stormed the idea to develop MediaDrug. We wanted to simplify tasks of finding, downloading and listening to music. Initially, nobody knew about the program MediaDrug, so it was only used by us. MediaDrug accidently landed in the hands of our friends, and they were quite surprised that MediaDrug offered not only simplicity, but also comprehensive functionality.

They were also looking for a great program that offered powerful capabilities and ease of use. Our friends liked the results of how the musical software worked, so we decided to develop MediaDrug further. MediaDrug is now available to everybody, and users can be assured of MediaDrug’s ability to help in finding, listening to and even downloading your favorite music. It is easier than a person could ever imagine.

Contact us

Address :

Russia, Kostromskoy prospect 42, app 23, 194214

Tel. : +7-911-249-33-65 E-mail :